Out With the Old, In With the New

Alex Song presented at Barca

On August 20, 2012, Barcelona made a bold statement. On this date, they signed Alex Song, from Arsenal.

But underneath the signing, was a change in strategy, that if successful, will impact how football is played around the globe.

Song is by trade, a midfielder. This past season, he was even playing higher in the midfield than normal, as he has usually played a defensive midfield position.

But Barcelona signed him to be a defender. And along with Javier Mascherano, also a converted midfielder now playing centerback, Barcelona is telling the world, we believe we can win with 9 midfielders, and a striker.

Even the usual Barcelona centerbacks, iron man Carles Puyol, and Gerard Pique, both have played in either wing back positions, or higher up in the midfield.

It’s already happening, but if Barcelona, and by association, the Spanish national team, can be successful without having natural centerbacks, the Rio Ferdinand’s and John Terry’s of the world will cease to exist.

Spanish football is pushing the envelope. Their style is to play with 10 midfielders, and make each game a glorified training session, with the opponents running and running until they lose focus, allowing Spain to walk in and score. And the genesis of this change in tactics can be traced back to Catalonia.

The big question going forward will be, can other countries develop players who can be versatile enough to have converted midfielders playing defense.

The USA is already moving this direction, if Geoff Cameron starting in the back is any sign of things to come. Maybe in the future Maurice Edu will be playing centerback at times as well.

What is sure is that we are at a crossroads. The days of the stay-at-home burly defenseman may be coming to an end, while the mobile, attack minded defenders could be the future of the sport.

Alex Song is that future.

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About Daniel Karell

Veteran soccer journalist. Indiana University Class of 2012. BA in Journalism. Love my wife and dog.
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