Tag Archives: Bayern Munich

I’m off to London!

So, as I’m sure all of you have noticed, I haven’t been blogging much the past two weeks. It’s because I’ve been hard at work planning a trip that was once just a dream in the recesses of my thoughts, … Continue reading

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The Exodus from EspaƱa

The Biblical story of the Exodus tells of the plight of the Israelites leaving Egypt, where they had been in bondage and slavery for numerous generations. Eventually, with plenty of help, the Israelites made it out of Egypt. Fast-forward to … Continue reading

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Take the Money and Run

There are many ways that the U.S.A and Europe are similar. We both are multi-cultural and multi-ethnic, we both have economic problems, and of course, we both have numerous individuals who love to participate in, “stuff your face as fast … Continue reading

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